Here is an important Green Party letter acknowledging the vital work of the Brook Advisory Service on Whetstone Lane:
It is good news that teenage pregnancy rates in Wirral are coming down--by 7% in 2007. Sadly Britain still leads the rest of Europe in this league table.
The Health Service in Schools initiative will be a positive step to reducing rates further in Wirral especially if it is combined with sex and relationship education, taught early enough by people who are enthusiastic and well equipped to deliver it.
One aspect not referred to in your article, however, is the important role played by specialist clinic services for young people provided by Brook Advisory Service in Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead. This service, which opened in 1992 has sessions 6 days a week and sees more than 16,000 young men and women every year. They are offered free, confidential sexual health information, cotraception and pregnancy testing, advice and counselling etc.
I am sure this service has made a significant contribution to the reduction of teenage pregnancies in Wirral and will continue to do so in the future.
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