12 May 2018

Four more years

Very proud and pleased to have been re-elected as the ward councillor
for Birkenhead and Tranmere on May 3rd. This was a tough campaign in the
face of a huge onslaught from the Labour party. Their main aim in this
election was to eliminate the Green Party presence on Wirral Council.
It's clear that Labour had little interest in targeting any Conservative
held seats. In fact, they almost lost the Pensby and Thingwall seat to
the Tories, scraping home by just 23 votes. Little surprise then that
many Labour party members are deeply unhappy with the tone and strategy
behind their campaign. I know that many Labour members in Birkenhead and
Tranmere voted Green. I can only hope that the true progressive voice
within the Labour party in Wirral continue to make headway against the
current administration that has alienated so many of their natural

I'd like to thank the residents of Birkenhead and Tranmere for rejecting
Labour's negative campaign and placing their trust in me and the Green
Party. I will continue to work hard and do my best to make their lives
better. I'd also like to thank the incredible effort and support
provided by the many party colleagues and volunteers who helped run such
a positive campaign, not just over the last few months but over the past
nine years.

Here's to the next four!

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