26 Jul 2010

And the answer is....

.....zero. That's the number of prosecutions for fly-tipping in Birkenhead and Tranmere over the past three years. Hope that reassures you.

There has also been a big decline in the number of penalties/prosecutions for littering across Wirral over the same period.

The information comes in a recent message I received from Wirral Council which is copied below:

Thank you for your request for information shown below which has been passed to me as the Information Manager.  Please see council’s response below which I trust you will find of use.

There have not been any successful prosecutions for fly tipping in Birkenhead & Tranmere in any of the last three financial years.

The Council does not hold littering figures by ward, but Borough wide figures are below:-.

Year            Fixed Penalty Notices s    No of successful prosecutions

07-08           474                                                     32

08-09           277                                                     15

09-10           176                                                       3

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